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Creating a Marlin Processor

A template Marlin package with a skelton processor is available at TemplatePackage. It contains the following:

  • A template structure for organizing your code.
  • A CMakeLists.txt for compilation.
  • A skelton processor that you can modify.

Note that official Marlin packages follow a slightly different template. This is because they are based on old CMake conventions. The template documented here has been updated for modern CMake.

See the Git Workspace tutorial for tools to manage multiple custom packages and share a working setup with your colleagues.xs


Start by making a fork or directly cloning the template repository.

git clone

The package can be compiled by loading the Muon Collider software environment and compiling as any CMake package.

source /opt/ilcsoft/muonc/
cmake -S TemplatePackage -B build
cmake --build build


The Marlin executable needs to be informed of the location of the library containing your processor. It loads all libraries specified by the MARLIN_DLL environmental variable.

The following command will update the variable and call Marlin with the provided example steering file.

export MARLIN_DLL=$(realpath build/${MARLIN_DLL}
Marlin --global.LCIOInputFiles=$(realpath ~/MuonCollider/data/muonGun_sim_MuColl_v1.slcio) share/example.xml


The processor is implemented inside the src/TemplateProcessor.cxx, with the header located in TemplatePackage/TemplateProcessor.hxx.

The class implements the following functions:

  • init(): Called at the start of Marlin execution.
  • processRunHeader(): Called at start of a file.
  • processEvent(): Called for each event.
  • end(): Called at the end.

Paremters are declared inside the class constructor using the following template:

registerProcessorParameter("MinPt", // Name of the parameter
                           "Minimum particle pT.", // Description
                           _minPt, // Variable that will contain the parameter
                           _minPt); // Default value

Parameters that correspond to input and output collections are defined slightly differently.

To define a parameter containing an input collection name:

registerInputCollection( LCIO::MCPARTICLE,
                         "InputCollectionName" ,
                         "Name of an input collection.",

To define a parameter containing an output collection name:

registerOutputCollection( LCIO::MCPARTICLE,
                          "OutputCollectionName" ,
                          "Name of the output collection" ,