Computing setup¶
Detector-simulation software of the Muon Collider Detector and Physics Group can be set up in three different ways:
- load the environment pre-installed under the dedicated CVMFS repository (CERN Virtual Machine File System);
- download and run a compiled Docker or Apptainer image;
- manually install all the software on your machine using Spack package manager, following the instructions.
Each method has its own optimal use cases, but for the purpose of this tutorial we will use the CVMFS installation on on CERN machines running Alma Linux 9.
Setting up the environment from CVMFS¶
To set up a working software environment first log in to a compatible machine from the CERN computing cluster, where ${USER}
is the username of your CERN computing account:
NOTE: we are using the
endpoint instead of the defaultlxplus
in order to connect specifically to a machine runningAlma Linux 9
. Standardlxplus
machines are runningCentOS 8
distribution at the moment of writing this tutorial.
When connected, create a working directory that you will use for the tutorial.
Then source the setup script to obtain the latest mucoll-stack release from /cvmfs/
# Create a working directory
mkdir -p ~/work/mucoll-tutorial-2023
cd ~/work/mucoll-tutorial-2023
# Link the environment-setup script for easy access
ln -s /cvmfs/ ./
# Set up the environment
Reference configuration files¶
A collection of reference configuration files and analysis tools used by the collaboration are maintained under the mucoll-benchmarks
We will use them at different stages of the tutorial, therefore download the repository using git
At every stage of the tutorial we assume that you start from your working directory, which contains at least the following two items:
Reference input files¶
Each stage of the tutorial produces output that is used as input for the subsequent stages. Some steps such as generation and GEANT4 simulation can take from tens of minutes to several hours, which is not practical at the limited time scale of this tutorial. Therefore, relevant output files of each stage have been prepared, which you can copy from one of the following locations:
- accessible only fromlxplus
or machines with configured CVMFS;
- accessible from anywhere.
Container Image¶
The Muon Collider simulation and reconstruction code is available as a Docker image. It is hosted by CERN's Container Registry.
The setup script is available under /opt/
A typical way to start the container can look like the following:
Then you need to source the environment setting:
For further options, see the general apptainer documentation.
NOTE: The image ill be made available at
in the future.
For generic details about the Docker setup please refer to the guide.
A typical docker command to start the muon collider software, after having downloaded the image, will look like the following:
docker run -ti --rm --env DISPLAY=${DISPLAY} --env USER=${USER} --env HOME=/home/${USER} --user=$(id -u $USER):$(id -g $USER) -v <your working directory>:/home/${USER} -v /cvmfs:/cvmfs -w /home/${USER} -v ${HOME}/.Xauthority:/home/${USER}/.Xauthority --net=host --entrypoint /bin/bash
First we define some environment variables used to export the graphical interface: --env DISPLAY=${DISPLAY} --env USER=${USER} --env HOME=/home/${USER}
We define also the local user as the user logged in the container (otherwise you login as root): --user=$(id -u $USER):$(id -g $USER)
We mount some local directories inside the container: -v <your working directory>:/home/${USER} -v /cvmfs:/cvmfs
We mount some local directories inside the container: -v <your working directory>:/home/${USER} -v /cvmfs:/cvmfs
With the next option we define the working directory inside the container: -w /home/${USER}
The last two options tell the container to share the host’s networking namespace: -v ${HOME}/.Xauthority:/home/${USER}/.Xauthority --net=host
Then you need to source the environment setting:
You can convert the Docker image to a shifter image using a simple command:
This only has to be done by one person in the system and the image is usually available to other users as well.
A typical command to then run the image will look like:
shifter --volume=/global/cfs/cdirs/atlas/spgriso/MuonCollider/data:/data -- /bin/bash --init-file ${HOME}/scripts/
path is a path where data is stored and will be visible as /data
in the container, and ${HOME}/scripts/
is your personal bashrc script you'd like to run within the container. For example a good thing to do there is to always setup ilcsoft:
that otherwise needs to be done manually, similarly to the case of other containers. -->
Additional Tutorial Setup¶
For some parts of the tutorial we will also use code that is available in the MuC-Tutorial repository. Clone it in your working directory after setting up the software.