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Digitisation and reconstruction

This stage is executed under the Marlin framework (Modular Analysis and Reconstruction for the LINear Collider).
As described in the official GitHub page of the program, the idea is that every computing task is implemented as a processor (module) that analyses data in an LCEvent and creates additional output collections that are added to the event.
The framework allows to define the processors (and their order) that are executed at runtime in a simple XML steering file. Via the steering file you can also define named parameters (string, float, int - single and arrays) for every processor as well as for the global scope.
This framework allows users to not write any code that deals with the I/O; they simply write processors with predefined callbacks, i.e. init(), processRunHeader(), processEvent(), end(), which are called centrally by Marlin at different stages of the event loop.

You can generate an example steering file with a list of all the available processors and all the available parameters using the following command.

Marlin -x > steering_sample.xml

Note that the resulting steering_sample.xml file can be used as a starting point for defining your new Marlin steering file by deleting unnecessary processors and adjusting parameters of the processors you actually want to run.

Steering files

The digitisation and reoconstruction processes are configured as two independent stages with individual steering files, which are executed one after another:

  • mucoll-benchmarks/digitisation/marlin/digi_steer.xml for the digitisation step;
  • mucoll-benchmarks/reconstruction/marlin/reco_steer.xml for the reconstruction step.

This helps to reduce the peak RAM usage of the process and allows to rerun only the relevant stage when tuning a specific algorithm or processor configuration.

NOTE: Unlike Python-based steering files for ddsim with their dynamic access to environment variables, Marlin is configured via static XML files. This means that environment-specific values, such as path to the detector geometry, have to be specified manually, either directly in the steering file or via a command-line parameter.

It is possible to override any parameter of any processor defined in the steering file by specifying it as a command-line parameter:

Marlin --global.LCIOInputFiles="<input_file>.slcio"  --DD4hep.DD4hepXMLFile="$MUCOLL_GEO" <steering_file>.xml`

More information about the structure of Marlin steering files is given in this section.

Reconstructing H -> bb events

First create a separate folder for each stage:

mkdir digi_Hbb reco_Hbb

NOTE: This stage runs significantly faster than GEANT4 simulation, allowing to process more events in short time. You can therefore copy a pre-simulated sample of 100 events to obtain higher statistics:

cp /cvmfs/ sim_Hbb/

Then run the digitisation sequence over all events of the input file with SimHits:

cd digi_Hbb
Marlin ../mucoll-benchmarks/digitisation/marlin/digi_steer.xml \
--global.LCIOInputFiles="../sim_Hbb/output_sim.slcio" \

In order to run the reconstruction stage we have to do several preparations first.

Create a symbolic link to the folder with settings of the Pandora package for particle-flow object reconstruction (PFO):

cd ../reco_Hbb
ln -s ../mucoll-benchmarks/reconstruction/marlin/PandoraSettings ./

NOTE: Include paths inside the <include /> tags of the Marlin XML configuration files are relative to the root XML file. Instead, paths inside of <parameter /> tags are relative to the directory in which Marlin is executed. For this reason a symbolic link to the PandoraSettings folder is created to provide settings for the DDMarlinPandora processor.

Determine location of ActsTracking processor that contains relevant parts of the default MuColl_v1 geometry converted to the format required by ACTS track-reconstruction framework.

ACTS_PATH=$(echo $MARLIN_DLL | tr ':' '\n' | grep actstracking | sed "s:/lib.*::")

NOTE: This is a temporary solution. In the future this path will be stored in an environment variable, like the path to the compact geometry $MUCOLL_GEO.

Run the reconstruction sequence overriding the paths to the relevant ACTS geometry files:

Marlin ../mucoll-benchmarks/reconstruction/marlin/reco_steer.xml \
--global.LCIOInputFiles="../digi_Hbb/output_digi.slcio" \
--CKFTracking.MatFile="${ACTS_PATH}/share/ACTSTracking/data/material-maps.json" \
--CKFTracking.TGeoFile="${ACTS_PATH}/share/ACTSTracking/data/MuColl_v1.root" \

Each stage will produce several output files:

  • output_<digi|reco>.slcio - contains all the collections produced by the executed processors;
  • output_<digi|reco>_light.slcio - contains a subset of output collections, which are relevant for later analysis;
  • output_<digi|reco>.root - contains some diagnostics plots and trees (defined in the source code of each Marlin processor).

Output examination

You can now examine the contents of the each file using the relevant tools:

  • .root files - using the standard TBrowser in root <file>
  • .slcio files - using one of the standard LCIO utilities:
    • lcio_event_counter <file> - to see the number of events written to the LCIO file
    • anajob <file> - list collections stored in each event
    • dumpevent <file> <event_nr> - list all objects in a specific event of the file

If the files have some content you can analyse these results using one of the techniques described in the following sections.