Releases notes¶
v02-09-MC → July 2024¶
Based on spack and key4hep-spack
Software | Version |
Geant4 | 11.2.0 |
clhep | 2.4.7-1 |
ROOT | 6.32.00 |
acts | 32.1.0 |
whizard | 3.1.4 |
phytia8 | 8.311 |
xerces-c | 3.2.5 |
HepMC3 | 3.2.7 |
FastJet | 3.4.2 |
FastJetcontrib | 1.054 |
ILCUTIL | 1.7.2 |
lcfivertex | 0.9 |
raida | 1.11 |
sio | 0.2 |
Software | Version |
edm4hep | 0.10.5 |
podio | 0.17.3 |
gaudi | 38.2 |
k4simdelphes | 00-06-02 |
k4FWCore | 1.00-pre19 |
k4EDM4hep2LcioConv | 0.8.2 |
k4MarlinWrapper | 0.8 |
ACTSTracking → v01-02-02MC
lcgeo → v00-20-MC
- Add updates from key4hep repository (k4geo) -> v00-20-00 PR #8
LCIO → v02-22-MC
- Add updates from iLCSoft repository -> v02-22 PR #7
Overlay → v00-25-MC
MarlinTrkprocessor → v02-15-02-MC
- Adding filter on track clusters for realistic digitization PR #16
- Merge with iLCSoft repository -> v02-12-05
MuonCVXDDigitiser → v00-02-MC
ConformalTracking → v01-12-01-MC
- Merge with iLCSoft repository -> v01-12
ForwardTracking → v01-14-02-MC
- Merge with iLCSoft repository -> v01-14-02
Marlin → v01-19-01
MarlinReco → v01-35
MarlinUtil → v01-17-02
DD4hep → v01-29
PandoraPFANew → v04-08-01
MarlinTrk → v02-09-02
DDKalTest → v01-07-01 and KalTest → v02-05-02
CLICPerformance → v02-05
iLCUtil → v01-07-02
GEAR → v01-09-02
v02-08-MC → April 2023¶
Released on AlmaLinux 9
System software
Software | Version |
Geant4 | 11.1.0-1 |
Boost | 1.75.0-8 |
clhep | 2.4.6-3 |
ROOT | 6.28.02 |
GSL | 2.6-7 |
eigen3 | 3.4.0-1 |
xerces-c | 3.2.3-5 |
HepMC3 | 3.2.5-7 |
Compiled software
Software | Version |
FastJet | 3.4.0 |
FastJetcontrib | 1.050 |
CED | 01-09-04 |
ILCUTIL | 01-07 |
A vertex digitiser processor for Muon Collider, it contains two processors:
- MuonCVXDDigitiser
- MuonCVXDRealDigitiser (experimental version)
ACTSTracking → v1.1.0
- Fix paths for running ACTSTracking outside of a release.
- Remove dependance on custom ACTS by configuring layer detection envelope in ACTSProcBase.
- Add subdetector hit numbers to Track object.
- Expose "Maximum d0 of tracks to seed" as "SeedFinding_ImpactMax"
- Add setting for out-side in tracking via "PropagateBackward"
- Update ACTS library to version: v13.0.0
DDMarlinPandora → v00-14-MC
iLCInstall → v02-05-MC
LCIO → v02-17-MC
- Add updates from iLCSoft repository
- Adding number of holes to track class
- Implemented anajob utility as a Python executable script with more flexible command-line parameters
- Headers not printed by default to not clutter terminal with irrelevant information
- Supports printing of just first few events for predictable execution time
lcgeo → v00-18-01-MC
detector_simulation →
Moved to lgceo package - default geometry is MuColl_v1/MuColl_v1.xml
- Added script converting MARS/FLUKA output to SLCIO format
- Added the missing PDG conversion file
- Added script converting FLUKA binary output to LCIO
- Added support for multiple input files in FLUKA->LCIO
- Added missing particle types to PDG IDs table
- Cleaning up of v1 geometry
- removed unused subdetectors and constants
- resolved overlaps of surfaces
- fixed amount of passive materials in text descriptions
LCTuple → v01-15-MC
- Fix njet branch name
- Some fixes for jet reconstruction
- update values in LCTupleConf.h
- add in TrackBranches track hit subdetector
- add in TrackerHitBranches hit subdetector
- fix a bug in JetBranches
MarlinTrkprocessor → v02-15-MC
- Move the cuts on the hits track before the refit to save time
- Merge with iLCSoft repository
- Add FilterTracks processor to filter tracks
- A processor that filters a track collection. The input and output collections are set via InputTrackCollectionName and OutputTrackCollectionName parameters. The track properties to filter on are:
- number of hits in the detectors;
- minimum transverse momentum;
- spatial chi squared.
- A processor that filters a track collection. The input and output collections are set via InputTrackCollectionName and OutputTrackCollectionName parameters. The track properties to filter on are:
- Improved efficiency of DoubleLayer filter
- Marlin configuration files using this processor have to be adapted for the new format
- Modified FilterDoubleLayerHits processor to configure cuts in the track-curvature direction using angular distance dPhi [mrad] instead of original dU [mm] distance in the sensor plane.
- Introduced a configurable time-difference cut applied to hits before forming a stub candidate, in order to remain efficient with wider digitization time windows.
Overlay → v00-24-MC
Marlin → v01-19
MarlinReco → v01-33-01
MarlinUtil → v01-17
DD4hep → v01-25-01 & MarlinDD4hep → v00-06-02
PandoraPFANew → v04-02-00
LCFIPlus → v00-10-01
MarlinTrk → v02-09-01
DDKalTest → v01-07
MarlinKinfit → v00-06-01 & MarlinKinfitProcessors → v00-05
MarlinFastJet → v00-05-03
CEDViewer → v01-19-01
GEAR → v01-09-01
- bbq
- Clupatra
- detector_simulation (moved to lcgeo)
- FCalClusterer
- ILDPerformance
- lccd
- pathfinder
- Physsim
v02-07-MC → November 2021¶
Released also on CentOStream 8
- Boost 1.7.3
GEANT4 10.6.3-1.muonc
Those packages have been built with special constraint (C++-17, MT, Qt-support) and cannot be used for other projects
- ACTS library → v13.0.0-MCC : an experiment-independent toolkit for (charged) particle track reconstruction in (high energy) physics experiments implemented in modern C++.
- A new marlin processor has been added to use this library: ACTSTracking → v1.0.0
Added some new filters to MarlinTrkprocessor:
SplitCollectionByPolarAngle: the processor selects and saves the tracker hits with a polar angle within a certain range, defined by the lower and upper limits, along with the corresponding sim hits and the reco-sim relations.
FilterConeHits: the processor selects and saves the tracker hits that are included in a cone around the MC particle trajectory along with the corresponding sim hits and the reco-sim relations.
FilterTimeHits: filtering hits depending on their time corrected by the time of flight. Particle propagation at a speed<c is supported via the TargetBeta parameter.
- Add the new Crilin ECAL
ConformalTracking → v01-12-MC
Add the possibility to do a regional tracking inside a theta range
New configuration parameters:
MaxHitAngle: Maximum polar angle of hits to be fitted [3.1415927]
MinHitAngle: Minimum polar angle of hits to be fitted [0.0]
It uses a collection of particles (jets): JetCaloCollection, iterates over it selecting only the hits inside a cone of ray: DeltaRCut around jet direction and does a separated tracking inside each cone. If JetCaloCollection is empty use default tracking.
New configuration parameters:
JetCaloCollection: name of the collection with the previously found jets (cone are created around its) [""]
DeltaRCut: maximum angular distance between the hits and the particle direction [1.0]
MarlinTrkprocessor → v02-13-MC
- Overlay → v00-23-MC
- Fix Overlay when not preserving truth particles
- Fix Overlay algorithm to reset tracker hit pointers to Overlay MC particles when those are not preserved. Keep momentum information anyway before setting the link to a null pointer.
- Actually setting overlay flag in simulated tracker hit
Incompatibility issue Files created with previous releases, where MC particles are removed, are no more usable from this release.
- Fix Overlay when not preserving truth particles
- detector-simulation → v01-02-MC
- Added simple text description of the MuColl_v1 geometry
- Add new Crilin calorimeter
- LCTuple → v01-14-MC
- Implement dumping of individual tracker hits making the tracker clusters/measurements Relevant only if stored, which happens only if a realistic digitization is used.
- Jet substructure observables added
- DDMarlinPandora → v00-13-MC
- MuonCutil → v02-07-MC
- In MuonCutil/releases/development/release-ilcsoft.cfg any references to mc branches have been removed, This is necessary since we have changed the usage policies for git
- iLCInstall → v02-03-01-MC
- It contains a module for ACTS and several fixes not yet available in the original iLCSoft code.
- LCIO → v02-16-01-MC
- MarlinUtil → v01-16
- MarlinReco → v01-31
- CEDViewer → v01-18
- SIO → v00-01
v02-06-MC → March 2021¶
Everything has been recompiled against c++17
- Root 6.22.06-1 (built against C++17)
- HepMC3 3.2.3-1 (fix bug: MC-3)
- DD4Hep → v01-16
v02-05-MC → December 2020¶
- Root 6.22.02-4 (Custom building for issue with Minuit2)
- LCTuple → v01-13-MC
- Add information for tracker
- Added track hits to the tracks branches
- Added the number of track hits
- Add information for tracker
lcgeo → v00-16-08-MC
Removed slices DetElement construction
Moved layer DetElement construction to external loop: fixes the DetElement hierarchy.
This fixes the access to the DetElement given a CellID in our reconstruction. Related issue: iLCSoft/ILDConfig#88
Add INSTALL_COMPACT_FILES option (default: OFF) to copy compact files to install area
For muoncollider:
detector-simulation → v01-01-MC
DDMarlinPandora → v00-12-MC
v02-04-MC → November 2020¶
- Geant4 10.6.3
- Downgrade DD4Hep and DD4hepExamples to v01-13-01 as workaround for DD4Hep issue #759
Add SIM.hepmc3.useHepMC3 =False to steering file for ddsim
Remove version number from the geometry path: use /opt/ilcsoft/muonc/detector-simulation/geometries/MuColl_v0/MuColl_v0.xml
v02-03-MC → November 2020¶
- ROOT_version = "6.22.02-3"
- MarlinTrkProcessors → v02-12-MC
- Double-layer filtering + Splitting by layers
- Introduces a new FilterDoubleLayerHits processor for filtering of RecHits based on their angular alignment within a double-layer.
- Updates the SplitCollectionByLayer processor to support custom layer combinations.
- Extra quality cuts in Refitter
- Minimal Chi2/NDF
- Minimal number of hits in arbitrary combinations of tracker subdetectors
- Double-layer filtering + Splitting by layers
detector-simulation→ v01-00-MC
- Added a Python version of the MARS->SLCIO conversion script with configurable pdgIds
- Included antineutrons in Ekin cut. Fixed bug with cutting on Ekin before reading the MARS values
- Added reduced mod4 and mod5 geometries with Trackers only for faster simulation
- Added mod5 geometry with 3.57T magnetic field and rearranged VTX endcaps
- Added mod6 version of the geometry to be frozen for Snowmass → MuColl_v0: Copy of CLIC_o3_v14_mod4 with the MAP magnetic field
ConformalTracking → v01-11-MC
- lcio →v02-15-04-MC
- The paths of the geometry in the MuonCutil/confile/* are wrongs.
- Use the correct ones: /opt/ilcsoft/v02-03-MC/detector-simulation/geometries/MuColl_v0/MuColl_v0.xml
- Default value for ddsim is to use HepMC3 Helper reader which is not supported by now.
- Use the command line option for
ddsim: --hepmc3.useHepMC3 false
or put SIM.hepmc3.useHepMC3 = False in your steering file
- Use the command line option for
Using hepmc input file for ddsim produces a fatal exception likes this one: (see DD4Hep issue #759 in DD4Hep)
G4DecayTable::SelectADecayChannel :: no possible DecayChannel mu+ -------- EEEE ------- G4Exception-START -------- EEEE ------- *** G4Exception : DECAY003 issued by : G4Decay::DoIt Can not determine decay channel for mu+ mass of dynamic particle: 0.00010566 (GEV) dacay table has 1 entries 0: BR 1, IsOK? 0, --> e+ + nu_e + anti_nu_mu **** Fatal Exception *** core dump ***
- At the moment the only workaround is to downgrade the version of DD4Hep from v01-14 to v01-13-01
v02-02-MC → October 2020¶
ROOT_version = "6.22.02"
Boost_version = "1.69.0"
Geant4 version = "10.6.1"
clhep version = "2.4.1"
- MarlinTrkProcessors → v02-11-MC
- lcgeo → v00-16-06-MC
- ConformalTracking → v01-10-MC
- LCTuple → v01-12-02-MC
- Overlay → v00-22-02-MC
- Added a flag disabling the merging of MCParticles
- OverlayTiming: Skipping merging of collections that have no integration times configured
- OverlayTimingGeneric: Added option to make integration times symmetric
- Optimized merging for the BIB from Muon Collider
- Added support for lower/upper integration time boundaries in OverlayTimingGeneric
- detector-simulation
- Added mod2 version of the CLIC geometry with reduced gap between ECAL Endcaps and nozzles
- Added mod3 geometry with the vertex detector dimnesions similar to the MAP geometry
- Added CLIC_o3_v14_mod4 geometry with VTXB segmented along Z
- Adjusted the class of the Z-segmented VXD barrel in CLIC_o3_v14_mod4
- Added a GDML version of the CLIC_o3_v14_mod4 geometry: nozzles + yoke