MARS15 calculations¶
For the 1.5-TeV Muon Collider¶
Two files mupl-1e3x500-26m-lowth-excl and mumi-1e3x500-26m-lowth-excl contain background in \(IP\) coming from \(\mu+\) (-25 to 1m) and \(\mu-\) (25 to -1 m) arcs.
NDECAY = 103x500 = 5*105 is number of simulated decays.
Thresholds - 100 keV for charged hadrons,muons, electrons,positrons and gammas, and 10-12 GeV for neutrons.
Particles were collected on interface surface (shielding nozzle etc.)
Every row consists of:
name | NI | JJ | X | Y | Z | PX | PY | PZ | TOFF | W | ZDEC | XORIG | YORIG | ZORIG | WORIG | EORIG | IORIG | KORIG |
FORMAT | I11 | I7 | F11.3 | F11.3 | F11.3 | 1PE14.6 | 1PE14.6 | 1PE14.6 | 1PE14.6 | 1PE14.6 | 1PE14.6 | 1PE14.6 | 1PE14.6 | 1PE14.6 | 1PE14.6 | 1PE14.6 | I7 | I3 |
- NI - history number
- JJ - particle ID, reaching detector
- X,Y,Z - coordinates on interface surface (cm)
- PX,PY,PZ - momentum components (GeV/c)
- TOFF - time with respect to bunch crossing.
- W - particle weight.
- ZDEC - decay coordinate along beam line.
- XORIG,YRIG,ZORIG - coordinate of particle origin (cm),
- WORIG,EORIG,IORIG - weight, energy, particle ID of particle origin
- KORIG - type of process in which particle were created
ID | name | ID | name | ID | name | ID | name |
1 | p | 11 | e + | 21 | nuae | 31 | nbar |
2 | n | 12 | pbar | 22 | K0L | 32 | KSI0 |
3 | pi+ | 13 | pi0 | 23 | K0S | 33 | KSI- |
4 | pi- | 14 | d | 24 | K0 | 34 | OM- |
5 | K+ | 15 | t | 25 | AK0 | 35 | sib- |
6 | K- | 16 | He3 | 26 | LAM | 36 | si0b |
7 | mu+ | 17 | He4 | 27 | ALAM | 37 | sib+ |
8 | mu- | 18 | num | 28 | SIG+ | 38 | AKSI0 |
9 | g | 19 | nuam | 29 | SIG0 | 39 | ksib+ |
10 | e- | 20 | nue | 30 | SIG- | 40 | omb+ |
Weight in files is 26 (26 m).
To get normalization per bunch you should correct weight:
For the 125-GeV Higgs Factory Muon Collider¶
SS, NM, IT (2014)
File mumi-5e6-40m-lowth contains background in \(IP\) coming from the positive z-side for a 62.5 GeV \(\mu-\) beam (z= 30 to -10 m collider region).
- NDECAY = 5.1335*106 is a number of simulated decays.
- Thresholds - 100 keV for charged hadrons,muons,electrons, positrons and gammas, and 10-12 GeV for neutrons.
Particles were collected on the MDI surface (shielding nozzle etc.)
Every row consists of
name | NI | JJ | X | Y | Z | PX | PY | PZ | TOFF | W | ZDEC | XORIG | YORIG | ZORIG | WORIG | EORIG | IORIG | KORIG |
FORMAT | I11 | I7 | F11.3 | F11.3 | F11.3 | 1PE14.6 | 1PE14.6 | 1PE14.6 | 1PE14.6 | 1PE14.6 | 1PE14.6 | 1PE14.6 | 1PE14.6 | 1PE14.6 | 1PE14.6 | 1PE14.6 | I7 | I3 |
- NI - history number
- JJ - PID, reaching detector
- X,Y,Z - coordinates on interface surface (cm)
- PX,PY,PZ - momentum components (GeV/c)
- TOFF - time with respect to the bunch crossing
- W - particle statistical weight
- ZDEC - decay coordinate along the beam line
- XORIG,YRIG,ZORIG - coordinates (cm) of particle origin
- WORIG,EORIG,IORIG - weight, energy, PID of the parent particle
- KORIG - type of process in which the particle was created
ID | name | ID | name | ID | name | ID | name |
1 | p | 11 | e + | 21 | nuae | 31 | nbar |
2 | n | 12 | pbar | 22 | K0L | 32 | KSI0 |
3 | pi+ | 13 | pi0 | 23 | K0S | 33 | KSI- |
4 | pi- | 14 | d | 24 | K0 | 34 | OM- |
5 | K+ | 15 | t | 25 | AK0 | 35 | sib- |
6 | K- | 16 | He3 | 26 | LAM | 36 | si0b |
7 | mu+ | 17 | He4 | 27 | ALAM | 37 | sib+ |
8 | mu- | 18 | num | 28 | SIG+ | 38 | AKSI0 |
9 | g | 19 | nuam | 29 | SIG0 | 39 | ksib+ |
10 | e- | 20 | nue | 30 | SIG- | 40 | omb+ |
All weights in the file W = 40 (related to 1 decay/m rate over 40 meters)
To get normalization per bunch (2*1012 muon/bunch), modify it as: