Monte Carlo Simulated Samples¶
Data are stored on the SE srm://
Beam-induced background¶
Saved under the directory: /muoncoll/<CoM in GeV>/BIB/ on the SE
ID1 | CoM2 | Process name3 | #events4 | Software5 | Generator (card)6 | Simulation7 | Reconstruction8 | Location9 | Authors10 | Date11 | Notes12 |
B001 | 1.5 | Beam crossing | 1000 | mars15 v02-05-MC/v02-07-MC MuCollv1 | scripts | 001-Base | 001-trimm | mars15/mumi-1e3x500-26m-lowth-excl_25ns_nEkin150MeV/mumi-1e3x500-26m-lowth-excl.txt mars15/mupl-1e3x500-26m-lowth-excl_25ns_nEkin150MeV/mupl-1e3x500-26m-lowth-excl.txt MuCollv1_25ns_nEkin150MeV_QGSPBERT | bartosik, gianelle | 12/2020 06/2021 07/2022 | ID001 |
Only signal¶
Saved under the directory: /muoncoll/<CoM in GeV>/Signal/ on the SE
ID1 | CoM2 | Process name3 | #events4 | Software5 | Generator (card)6 | Simulation7 | Reconstruction8 | Location9 | Authors10 | Date11 | Notes12 |
S001 | 3 | mumu2HHnnuanu | 10k x 7 | whizard v02-06-MC MuCollv1 | 001-whizard-mumu2HHnnuanu | 002-HP_PhysicList | 003-HiggsStudies | whizard/mumu2HHnnuanu/mumu2HH_bb_k*.hepmc ddsim/HiggsStudies/HP/mumu2HHnnuanu marlin/HiggsStudies/CT/mumu2HHnnuanu | lucchesi, buonincontri | 04/2021 | #ID003 Higgs studies |
S002 | 3 | mumu24b_nuanu_G1 | 10k | whizard v02-06-MC MuCollv1 | TBC | 002-HP_PhysicList | 003-HiggsStudies | ddsim/HiggsStudies/HP/mumu24b_nuanu_G1 marlin/HiggsStudies/CT/mumu24b_nuanu_G1 | buonincontri | 04/2021 | Higgs studies |
S003 | 3 | mumu2bbH_nuanu | 10k | whizard v02-06-MC MuCollv1 | TBC | 002-HP_PhysicList | 003-HiggsStudies | ddsim/HiggsStudies/HP/mumu2bbH_nuanu marlin/HiggsStudies/CT/mumu2bbH_nuanu | buonincontri | 04/2021 | Higgs studies |
S004 | 3 | mumu2HHnunu_trilinear | 10k | whizard v02-06-MC MuCollv1 | TBC | 002-HP_PhysicList | 003-HiggsStudies | ddsim/HiggsStudies/HP/mumu2HHnunu_trilinear marlin/HiggsStudies/CT/mumu2HHnunu_trilinear | buonincontri | 04/2021 | Higgs studies |
S005 | 3 | mumu2mumu | 100k | v02-05-MC CLIC_o3_v14.xml | TBC | 001-Base | 004-Luminosity | ddsim/LuminosityStudies/mumu2mumu marlin/LuminosityStudies/CT/mumu2mumu | buonincontri | 11/2020 | #ID004 Luminosity studies |
S006 | 3 | mumu2mumu_bhabha | 100k | v02-05-MC CLIC_o3_v14.xml | TBC | 001-Base | 004-Luminosity | ddsim/LuminosityStudies/mumu2mumu_bhabha marlin/LuminosityStudies/CT/mumu2mumu_bhabha | buonincontri | 11/2020 | Luminosity studies |
S007 | electrongun_pt1-1500GeV_theta10-170 | 100k | v02-05-MC MuCollv1 | 001-electrongun | 013-electrongun | 13-electrongun | electrongun | casarsa | 10/2021 | ||
S008 | 1.5 | mumu2WW_muPt10 | 10k | Pythia8 v02-06-MC MuCollv1 | TBC | 001-Base | - | pythia8/mumu2WW/mumu2WW_muPt10_10kevt.stdhep mumu2WW_muPt10 | sestini, gianelle | 09/2021 | only signal simulation |
Signal plus background¶
Saved under the directory: /muoncoll/<CoM in GeV>/SigBkg/ on the SE
ID1 | CoM2 | Process name3 | #events4 | Software5 | Generator (card)6 | Simulation7 | Reconstruction8 | Location9 | Authors10 | Date11 | Notes12 |
SB001 | 1.5 | mumu2bdijet | 10k x 6 | Pythia8 v02-06-MC MuCollv1 | TBC | 001-Base | 002-djets 005-Acts | pythia8/mumu2bdijet/bdijet_*_10kevt.stdhep mumu2dijetStudies/mumu2bdijet /CT & /ACTs | sestini, gianelle | 03/2021 02/2022 | #ID002 #ID005 |
SB002 | 1.5 | mumu2cdijet | 10k x 6 | Pythia8 v02-06-MC MuCollv1 | TBC | 001-Base | 002-djets 005-Acts | pythia8/mumu2cdijet/cdijet_*_10kevt.stdhep mumu2dijetStudies/mumu2cdijet /CT & /ACTs | sestini, gianelle | 03/2021 02/2022 | #ID002 #ID005 |
SB003 | 1.5 | mumu2ldijet | 10k x 6 | Pythia8 v02-06-MC MuCollv1 | TBC | 001-Base | 002-djets 005-Acts | pythia8/mumu2ldijet/ldijet_*_10kevt.stdhep mumu2dijetStudies/mumu2ldijet /CT & /ACTs | sestini, gianelle | 03/2021 02/2022 | #ID002 #ID005 |
SB004 | 1.5 | mumu2H2bb | 10k | Pythia8 v02-06-MC MuCollv1 | TBC | 001-Base | 002-djets 005-Acts | pythia8/mumu2H2bb/mumu2H2bb1500_10k.stdhep mumu2H2bb /CT & /ACTs | sestini, gianelle | 05/2021 12/2022 | #ID005 |
SB005 | 1.5 | mumu2Z2bb | 10k | Pythia8 v02-06-MC MuCollv1 | TBC | 001-Base | 002-djets | pythia8/mumu2Z2bb/mumu2Z2bb_10kevt.stdhep mumu2Z2bb | sestini, gianelle | 08/2021 | |
SB006 | 1.5 | mumu2H2cc | 10k | Pythia8 v02-06-MC MuCollv1 | TBC | 001-Base | 002-djets | pythia8/mumu2H2cc/mumu2H2cc1500_10k.stdhep mumu2H2cc | sestini, gianelle | 10/2021 | |
SB007 | 1.5 | mumu2H2ccX | 10k | Pythia8 v02-06-MC MuCollv1 | TBC | 001-Base | 002-djets | pythia8/mumu2H2ccX/mumu2H2ccX1500_10k.stdhep mumu2H2ccX | sestini, gianelle | 10/2021 | |
SB008 | 1.5 | mumu2H2WW | 10k | Whizard/Pythia8 v02-06-MC MuCollv1 | TBC | 001-Base | 002-djets | whizard/mumu2H2WW/HH_WW_events_cuts_2.hepmc pythia8/mumu2H2WW/mumu2H2WW_muPt10_10kevt.stdhep umu2H2WW mumu2H2WW_muPt10 | sestini, gianelle | 10/2021 | |
SB009 | 1.5 | mumu2Z2cc | 10k | Pythia8 v02-06-MC MuCollv1 | TBC | 001-Base | 002-djets | pythia8/mumu2Z2cc/mumu2Z2cc1500_10k.stdhep mumu2Z2cc | sestini, gianelle | 09/2021 | |
SB010 | 1.5 | qqlnuInt | 10k | Whizard/ v02-06-MC MuCollv1 | TBC | 001-Base | 002-djets | whizard/qqlnuInt/qqlnu_events_cuts.hepmc qqlnuInt | lucchesi, gianelle | 11/2021 | |
SB011 | 1.5 | qqlnuInt_mucuts | 10k | Whizard/ v02-06-MC MuCollv1 | TBC | 001-Base | 002-djets | whizard/qqlnuInt_mucuts/qqlnu_events_mucuts.hepmc qqlnuInt_mucuts | lucchesi, gianelle | 11/2021 | |
SB012 | 1.5 | qqnunu | 10k | Whizard/ v02-06-MC MuCollv1 | TBC | 001-Base | 002-djets | whizard/qqnunu/qqnunu_events_cuts.hepmc qqnunu | lucchesi, gianelle | 11/2021 | |
SB013 | 1.5 | qqnunu_heavy | 10k | Whizard/ v02-06-MC MuCollv1 | TBC | 001-Base | 002-djets 005-Acts | whizard/qqnunu_heavy/qqnunu_events_heavy.hepmc qqnunu_heavy(/ACTs) | lucchesi, gianelle | 11/2021 02/2022 | #ID005 |
SB014 | 3 | mumu2HH_bb | 10k x 7 | Whizard/ v02-07-MC MuCollv1 | 001-whizard-mumu2HHnnuanu | 001-Base | 005-Acts | whizard/mumu2HHnnuanu/mumu2HH_bb_k.hepmc HiggsStudies/mumu2HH_bb/mumu2HH_bb_k mumu2HH_bb_k1/4ML_training | lucchesi, gianelle | 06/2022 04/2023 | #ID003 Higgs studies |
SB015 | 3 | mumu24b_nuanu_G1 | 10k | Whizard/ v02-07-MC MuCollv1 | TBC | 001-Base | 005-Acts | whizard/HH_bkg/bbbb_G1_3tev.hepmc HiggsStudies/bkg/bbbb_G1 HiggsStudies/bbbb_G1 HiggsStudies/bbbb_G1/4ML_training | lucchesi, gianelle | 06/2022 04/2023 | Higgs studies |
SB016 | 3 | mumu2bbH_nuanu | 10k | Whizard/ v02-07-MC MuCollv1 | TBC | 001-Base | 005-Acts | whizard/HH_bkg/bbH_3tev.hepmc HiggsStudies/bkg/bbH HiggsStudies/bbH | lucchesi, gianelle | 07/2022 | Higgs studies |
SB017 | 3 | HH_bb_trilinearonly | 10k | Whizard/ v02-07-MC MuCollv1 | TBC | 001-Base | 005-Acts | whizard/mumu2HHnnuanu/HH_bb_trilinearonly.hepmc HiggsStudies/mumu2HH_bb/HH_bb_trilinearonly HH_bb_trilinearonly/4ML_training | lucchesi, gianelle | 07/2022 04/2023 | Higgs studies |
SB018 | 1.5 | w2jmu_hoffshell_had | 5k | Pythia8/ v02-07-MC MuCollv1 | TBC | 001-Base | 005-Acts | pythia8/gammah/mc_w2jmu_hoffshell_had.hepmc gammah/w2jmu_hoffshell_had | giambastiani, gianelle | 05/2022 | gammah studies |
SB019 | 1.5 | w2jmu_honshell_had | 10k | Pythia8/ v02-07-MC MuCollv1 | TBC | 001-Base | 005-Acts | pythia8/gammah/mc_w2jmu_honshell_had.hepmc gammah/w2jmu_honshell_had | giambastiani, gianelle | 05/2022 | gammah studies |
SB020 | 1.5 | w2jmu_bkg_had | 20k | Pythia8/ v02-07-MC MuCollv1 | TBC | 001-Base | 005-Acts | pythia8/gammah/mc_w2jmu_bkg_had.hepmc gammah/w2jmu_bkg_had | giambastiani, gianelle | 05/2022 | gammah studies |
SB021 | 1.5 | z2jmu_hoffshell_had | 4k | Pythia8/ v02-07-MC MuCollv1 | TBC | 001-Base | 005-Acts | pythia8/gammah/mc_z2jmu_hoffshell_had.hepmc Signal/marlin/gammah/z2jmu_hoffshell_had gammah/z2jmu_hoffshell_had | giambastiani, gianelle | 05/2022 | gammah studies |
SB022 | 1.5 | z2jmu_honshell_had | 4k | Pythia8/ v02-07-MC MuCollv1 | TBC | 001-Base | 005-Acts | pythia8/gammah/"mc_z2jmu_honshell_had.hepmc Signal/marlin/gammah/z2jmu_honshell_had gammah/z2jmu_honshell_had | giambastiani, gianelle | 05/2022 | gammah studies |
SB023 | 1.5 | z2jmu_bkg_had | 10k | Pythia8/ v02-07-MC MuCollv1 | TBC | 001-Base | 005-Acts | pythia8/gammah/mc_z2jmu_bkg_had*.hepmc gammah/z2jmu_bkg_had | giambastiani, gianelle | 05/2022 | gammah studies |
SB024 | 1.5 | z2jmu | 680k | v02-06-MC MuCollv1 | TBC | 001-Base | 005-Acts | @CERN: /eos/experiment/muoncollider/gammah/k* | giambastiani, gianelle | 12/2022 | different coupling gammah studies |
SB025 | 1.5 | wzf3mu | ~38k | v02-06-MC MuCollv1 | TBC | 001-Base | 005-Acts | mcprod-hZ_wzf_3mu @CERN: /eos/experiment/muoncollider/gammah/wzf3mu_k* | giambastiani, Pagan Griso | 04/2023 | different coupling gammah studies |
For MARS15 definitions see here
- For the generation see here
- μ- and μ+ are simulated in separated files
- trimmed (μ- + μ+) versions with trkHits and allHits are produced
- seeds are created with 25ns as maximum time of accepted particles and 0.15GeV as the minimum energy of accepted neutrons
- 6 pt ranges: [0:40] ; [40:80] ; [80:120] ; [120:160] ; [160:200] ; [200:INF]
- simulation outputs have been split in files of about 6Gbs
- About 1500 events per type have been reconstructed
- 7 levels of couplings: 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6
- Jet analysis has been performed
- Added also a file with 10k events with eta 2.7
- Reconstructed also some events with ACTs tracking system (v02-07-MC)
Centre of mass energy (in TeV) of the hard-scattering process; ↩↩↩
Short description of the physics process (e.g. HH_bbbb, ...); ↩↩↩
List of the software/detector versions, as tagged in the repository and described in the software releases; if a custom version is used, please add "_custom" to the starting software version, add in the Notes what is special and add a link to the relevant code commit, if possible; ↩↩↩
Short name of the folder in the repository containing the configuration for the generator/process used (the link should preferably be to a specific commit/version of the card); ↩↩↩
Short name of the folder in the repository containing the simulation settings and a link to it (the link should preferably be to a specific commit/version of the card); ↩↩↩
Short name of the folder in the repository containing the reconstruction settings and a link to it (the link should preferably be to a specific commit/version of the card); ↩↩↩
List of the directories on the SE (srm:// where data have stored (the path follows the convention: <\(\sqrt(S)\) in GeV>/<Signal or BIB or Mixed>/<Generator Process>/<Dataset name> ) ↩↩↩
Contains any special remark that is deemed useful to know. ↩↩↩